Sell Sheets – Union Leader

As part of my role in marketing at the Union Leader, I am responsible for creating all of the sell sheets/one sheets that our sales representatives use to sell our various ad opportunities, including special sections, seasonal offers, or basic ad packages. They needed a unified look for their sell sheets to both reflect the company’s brand and appear more professional to potential clients.

Over the past two years, I have created over 100 different sheets for the sales team.

Sheets for Special Sections

Each year, the Union Leader publishes over 40 special sections and premium editions.

Booklet for Special Sections

While each sheet is designed individually, I also combined them into a simple booklet to make it easy for clients to see every special section and event the Union Leader is offering sponsorships to in the upcoming year at the same time. The idea of the booklet is to be able to book advertising for an entire year at once by getting the information ahead of time.

Sheets for Specific Offers and Recurring Opportunities

In addition to the sheets I design for the Union Leader’s special sections, I also create sheets for their other promotions throughout the year, and whatever recurring opportunities they have as well. These can include holiday sales, packages targeted at specific industries, and more.